dodanie własnego koloru do edytora WYSIWYG

w functions.php dodajemy:

function my_mce4_options($init) {
	$default_colours = '"000000", "Black",
                      "993300", "Burnt orange",
                      "333300", "Dark olive",
                      "003300", "Dark green",
                      "003366", "Dark azure",
                      "000080", "Navy Blue",
                      "333399", "Indigo",
                      "333333", "Very dark gray",
                      "800000", "Maroon",
                      "FF6600", "Orange",
                      "808000", "Olive",
                      "008000", "Green",
                      "008080", "Teal",
                      "0000FF", "Blue",
                      "666699", "Grayish blue",
                      "808080", "Gray",
                      "FF0000", "Red",
                      "FF9900", "Amber",
                      "99CC00", "Yellow green",
                      "339966", "Sea green",
                      "33CCCC", "Turquoise",
                      "3366FF", "Royal blue",
                      "800080", "Purple",
                      "999999", "Medium gray",
                      "FF00FF", "Magenta",
                      "FFCC00", "Gold",
                      "FFFF00", "Yellow",
                      "00FF00", "Lime",
                      "00FFFF", "Aqua",
                      "00CCFF", "Sky blue",
                      "993366", "Red violet",
                      "FFFFFF", "White",
                      "FF99CC", "Pink",
                      "FFCC99", "Peach",
                      "FFFF99", "Light yellow",
                      "CCFFCC", "Pale green",
                      "CCFFFF", "Pale cyan",
                      "99CCFF", "Light sky blue",
                      "CC99FF", "Plum"';

    $custom_colours = '
        "b2774f", "Santa Fe",
        "850566", "Cardinal Pink"

    // build colour grid default+custom colors
    $init['textcolor_map'] = '['.$default_colours.','.$custom_colours.']';

    // change the number of rows in the grid if the number of colors changes
    // 8 swatches per row
    $init['textcolor_rows'] = 6;

    return $init;
add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'my_mce4_options');